Twinkle Twinkle Little Bug

night Big Bird saw a bug shining in the dark. he was sitting on the
steps next to Oscar's Trash can. Big Bird realised the bug as a
lightning bug. he asked the little green bug to come here. He said he
would not hurt him. The little bug came close and Big Bird placed him
in a jar. TWINKLE, TWINKLE, TWINKLE went the
little lightning bug. The lightning bug was unhappy.
Once Big Bird had him in the jar he showed him to
Ernie and asked the little bug to twinkle. TWINKLE, TWINKLE, TWINKLE
went the lightning bug. the little bug was unhappy in the jar as Big
Bird walked down the street to speak to Zoe. Big Bird looked at the
little bug and asked him to twinkle for Zoe. TWINKLE,
went for Zoe. As Big Bird approached a park bench he saw Bert and he
showed the lightning bug to Bert. He asked the little bug to twinkle
one more time. The little bug did not twinkle.
The next day Big Bird tried to get the little bug to
twinkle. He tried to talking to him, giving him a pillow to sleep on,
and sharing a cookie with him but he still would not twinkle. He even
tried playing him some music and he still would not twinkle. Big Bird
saw Grover walking by and asked him what he could do to make the little
bug feel better. Grover then asked him how he would feel in someone put
him in a jar. Big Bird thought about it and decided to let the little
bug go. TWINKLE, TWINKLE, TWINKLE Went the little
lightning bug as he flew high in the sky.
The kids were enthralled when the little lightening bug TWINKLED again when set free!!! and promised never to cage any birds, or bugs:)
Before reading, the kids were handed over a
Happy Bug, and a Sad Bug, which truly increased their curiosity and enthusiasm.
Happy bug (made out of disposable spoons)
Sad Bug
Children loved the craft activity, wherein they pasted the Happy Bug in the free area, and the Sad Bug in a jar, and later colored it too!!!

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